Thursday, 4 December 2008

the winter beard

yes that's right its back people..........
The face fuzzz,my homage to ZZtop,uncle Albert,and big J is running riot
allover my boat.
My wife ain't to keen but tuff shizz,I'm gonna rock this bad boy until the weather picks up
or something starts to inhabit it.
Being a bald man what else have I got to do?
The growing of facial hair has become a obsession,I've had the spiv the handlebar the soul patch
and the ridiculous sideburns and all have made me look equally desperate.That's what happens
when a baldy grows a beard,the simple act of growing one is a sign that you are compensating
and that just what I'm doing,I used to look kool as kustard because of my obtuse hair but since
I washed it down the plug hole I tend to make myself look stupid with the kind of facial hair that
put ten years on my average age.
Why do this?
Why torture myself?
fuck knows......
But I've now not seen my top lip for many years and the idea of it being exposed to a
hirsute world makes me feel ill.
I now feel that without my chin being encased in greying hair it has no shape and that I
have the look of Gail Tilsley.
And even though it makes me look old and like my head is on upside down I cant live without
it,so that's how it happens,that's how you become a beardy.It creeps up behind you when you are vunerable and drags you kicking and screaming into a room with Noel Edmonds,Kenny Rodgers and lots of real ale drinkers seventies footballers and known terrorists.
Oh well can't win them all!!!

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