Monday, 24 November 2008

which Wainwright is right????

In a word...(words)
All three.
As I trudged home last night up the steady incline of Highgate Hill the rain
dampening what i now know to be my not so waterproof charity shop parka and
with the warm fuzz of a few light and lagers helping the wet journey back to my warm flat
pass easier I pulled out my glowing iPhone and scrolled through to pick my suitable homeward
bound accompaniment,
Martha or Rufus?
After a short inward mental choice I chose Martha,and in the evening glare of dripping street lamps it was the right choice,but it could have easily been her sibling that night.
I know that sometimes Rufus can whine abit,and that Martha can get,well you know
abit...well whiny.
But as musical families go you cant beat abit of Wainwright.
Enigmatic, horsey faced ,camp and of course whiny.
God bless Mr and Mrs Wainwright.

1 comment:

Paul Staxx Spraget said...

Didn't know they was married. Thought he was a woofter.